Filters are shipped in individual clear plastic bags that can be reused to dispose of your old filter.
Actual Size: 19.94" x 24.88" x 4.38"
Nominal Size: 20x25x4
Manufacturer suggests changing every six months.
Bundle includes a Same Day Supply reminder magnet (1 per filter) so you know when you last changed your filter without having to open your filter cabinet.
Honeywell FC100A1037 (2 Pack) - 20 x 25 x 4 MERV 11 Pleated Air Filters with Same Day Change Reminder
Filters are shipped in individual clear plastic bags that can be reused to dispose of your old filter.
Actual Size: 19.94" x 24.88" x 4.38"
Nominal Size: 20x25x4
Manufacturer suggests changing every six months.
Bundle includes a Same Day Supply reminder magnet (1 per filter) so you know when you last changed your filter without having to open your filter cabinet.